Table of contents
  1. DSLs: Explained
    1. Creating DSL for Vaadin
      1. Adding new component into parent layout
      2. Designing the DSL closure
    2. Specifying properties for the TextField
    3. DSLs in VoK

DSLs: Explained

The Vaadin-on-Kotlin DSL allows you to define your UI in a hierarchical manner. It takes advantage of the DSL Kotlin language feature; if you feel lost at any time please feel free to consult the official Kotlin documentation on Type-safe builders.

Note: Please feel free to skip this chapter if you’re new to VoK and you’re not yet looking for nitty-gritty technical details on how things work under the hood.

Let’s consider the following code, written in the DSL manner:

class MyView : VerticalLayout() {
    init {
        formLayout {
            textField("Name:") {
                description = "Last name, first name"
            textField("Age:") {
                width = "5em"

The same code, but written the old way:

class MyView : VerticalLayout() {
    init {
        val fl = FormLayout()
        val nameField = TextField("Name:")
        nameField.description = "Last name, first name"
        val ageField = TextField("Age:")
        ageField.width = "5em"

In both cases the produced hierarchy is as follows:

  \---- FormLayout
          |----- TextField
          \----- TextField

If we compare both approaches, the hierarchy of Vaadin components is more clearly visible in the DSL approach, while the “old” code looks “flat”, more boilerplate-y and the intent is not conveyed as clearly.

Creating DSL for Vaadin

Let’s start from the very beginning: let’s write the DSL function for constructing the FormLayout component. This formLayout() function must perform two tasks:

  • Create a FormLayout component and insert it into the parent VerticalLayout;
  • Provide a block which would make all nested DSL calls insert components into this FormLayout.

Adding new component into parent layout

The first task can be achieved simply by using extension functions. In our example, we want to insert the FormLayout into the MyView class. If we would create the formLayout() function as an extension function, the Kotlin compiler will automatically fill in the MyView instance as the receiver, which can then be referenced from within the formLayout() function simply by using the “this.” expression:

fun HasComponents.formLayout() {
    val fl = FormLayout()
    this.add(fl)  // when calling this function from MyView, "this" will reference the instance of MyView
fun HasComponents.textField(caption: String = "") {
    val tf = TextField(caption)

What about the type of the receiver of the formLayout() function? We could make the receiver to be of type MyView, or even better VerticalLayout since MyView extends from VerticalLayout. However, that would still be quite limiting. In order to make the function truly flexible and usable with all layouts and component containers, it’s best to use the HasComponents type.

Kotlin will automatically pick the proper receiver:

  • In the init{} block of the MyView class, the receiver will be the MyView class itself (which extends VerticalLayout). Calling formLayout() in the init{} block will therefore cause FormLayout to be added into MyView.
  • However, we wish to call the textField() function from formLayout()’s block in such a way that would insert the TextField into the FormLayout instead of into the MyView. In order to do that, we need the formLayout() function to run a specially designed closure.

Designing the DSL closure

The formLayout() function must accept a closure as its parameter since we wish to write a code like this:

formLayout {

The closure needs to be declared in a special way so that any DSL functions invoked from the closure itself will add components into this FormLayout. The DSL functions insert components into whatever layout is referenced by this; therefore we need a way to set the this reference in the closure to be the FormLayout itself.

That’s precisely what closures with receivers do. We will therefore modify the formLayout() function accordingly:

fun HasComponents.formLayout(block: FormLayout.()->Unit) {
    val fl = FormLayout()

That will allow us to call the textField() function from formLayout()’s block as follows:

formLayout({  // here the receiver is the newly constructed FormLayout
    this.textField()    // 'this' is the FormLayout

The this. stanza can be dropped as usual. Also, when a closure is the last parameter of a Kotlin function, it may go after the parenthesis:

formLayout() {  // here the receiver is the newly constructed FormLayout
    textField()    // 'this' is the FormLayout and has been omitted

If a Kotlin function takes a closure as the only parameter, the empty parentheses can be omitted:

formLayout {  // here the receiver is the newly constructed FormLayout
    textField()    // 'this' is the FormLayout and has been omitted

We now have constructed functions in a way that allows us to write hierarchical code. Since Kotlin allows us to omit syntactic sugar we can now define UIs in a way that is both concise and hierarchical.

Specifying properties for the TextField

It is handy to specify all properties for the newly created TextField at one place, for example:

textField {
    label = "Foo"
    width = "150px"

We can achieve that by having the textField() function also take a closure with receiver:

fun HasComponents.textField(caption: String = "", block: TextField.()->Unit) {
    val fl = TextField(caption)
    this.add(fl) // this. is for brevity and can be omitted

However, this will introduce an intriguing problem: now we are able to write the following code:

formLayout {
    textField {

The code compiles but it apparently makes no sense, since TextField is not a HasComponents and cannot take any children! Yet the code compiles happily and it will actually add two text fields into the form layout. The problem here is that Kotlin will look up the nearest HasComponents as the receiver for the textField() function; since TextField is not HasComponents Kotlin will hop level up and will take the FormLayout.

Note that if we rewrite the code as follows, it no longer compiles:

formLayout {
    textField {
        this.textField()  // doesn't compile since 'this' is TextField and the textField() function only works on HasComponents

Yet writing this. every time to protect ourselves from this kind of issue is highly annoying. Therefore we will use another technique: the DSL markers. If we mark both textField(), formLayout() and HasComponents with a particular DSL Marker annotation (in our case, @VaadinDsl annotation), that would prevent Kotlin from crossing to the outer receiver. However, we can’t add annotation to the HasComponents interface since it’s bundled in the Vaadin jar and hence we can’t modify its sources!

The solution is to add the @VaadinDsl annotation not to the HasComponents interface .java source file, but into our DSL function definition sources. And hence the DSL function becomes like follows:

fun (@VaadinDsl HasComponents).formLayout(block: (@VaadinDsl FormLayout).()->Unit) {
    val fl = FormLayout()
fun (@VaadinDsl HasComponents).textField(caption: String = "", block: (@VaadinDsl TextField).()->Unit) {
    val fl = TextField(caption)

And now the confusing code doesn’t compile anymore:

formLayout {
    textField {
        textField()   // compilation error: a member of outer receiver

A final touch would be to mark the formLayout() function itself with the @VaadinDsl annotation. Such placed annotation doesn’t do anything on its own, but it causes Intellij Kotlin plugin to highlight DSL functions with a different color. That makes them stand out in the code and be easy to spot.

DSLs in VoK

The above-mentioned DSL approach is employed in VoK to define the UIs. The DSL function handles the actual creation of the component; then it passes the created component to the init() method which then adds the component into the parent layout.

If you need to only create the component, without adding it to the parent just yet, you can not use DSLs - just construct the component directly, using the component’s constructor. You can then use .apply{} to use the DSL to define the contents if need be:

val form = FormLayout().apply {

DSLs do not contain the functionality needed to remove the component from its parent. If you need this kind of functionality, you will have to resort to Vaadin’s built-in methods, or use Karibu-DSL’s removeFromParent() function.