Vaadin Quick Starters
Vaadin components are based on the Web Components standard; Vaadin-based apps are also themable more easily than Vaadin 8-based apps.
Every VoK project tends to have several files (database migrations, Gradle build script, themes, logger configuration etc) and our project will be no exception. Therefore, it makes sense to have an archetype app with all of those files already provided.
UI Base
A project with one view and no db; perfect for your UI experiments
VoK Project Base
Skeletal app with support for SQL db; start building your app here
Full Stack App
The "Beverage Buddy" app backed by SQL db; demoes two tables
Full Stack App
The "Bookstore" app backed by SQL db; also demoes security
Full Stack PWA
Full-stack task list app backed by SQL db; for desktop and mobile browsers